Succession Planning and Annual Handover
Planning for the future of the playgroup is important. The nature of playgroups is that families attend for different amounts of time depending on a range of factors including the age of the children, employment considerations and the demographics in the local area.
Thinking and planning ahead about the needs of your playgroup will help to keep your playgroup a sustainable and important resource for the community.
Key considerations for future proofing your playgroup include:
- who is going to take responsibility for the management of the playgroup
- recruiting new members
Planning towards the recruitment of new people to take on management responsibilities needs to start well ahead of time and it is important that the playgroup has a plan for doing this. Handover Information for Committees and Organising Groups is here. A useful checklist for Playgroup Handover is here.
Equally, keeping an eye on your current and future membership needs and planning for those needs will help ensure that the playgroup remains healthy and viable. Further information about recruiting new members is here.
It's important to give consideration to your playgroup’s future needs early. Our Development Officers are happy to work with you around planning for these future needs. If you would like help and support in working through some of these issues and processes, please contact your Development Officer at Playgroup WA on 1800 171 882 or