Incorporated Playgroups  

Incorporation is the legal process of forming a new corporation separate from the individual members. An incorporated association is considered at law to have a distinct identity that continues regardless of changes to the membership. Playgroups can incorporate under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015. The Act provides a low-cost, simple way of establishing a legal entity that has the capacity to function in its own right. 

The decision to become incorporated is one that needs to be discussed within the playgroup. There are some costs involved and specific processes that need to be followed.  

Playgroup WA has prepared the below Incorporated Community Playgroup Guide 2023 to assist. This can be accessed here:

Incorporated Community Playgroup Guide


In this guide, you will find information on what it means to be incorporated, what is a constitution, what is a committee, record keeping, insurance, future planning and where to get more information. This guide also includes links to some templates and sample documents which you could use as a starting point for your playgroup. The links to these templates are also below:

AGM Minutes Template

AGM Notice and Agenda Template

Expenditure of Playgroup Funds Policy Sample

Incorporated Playgroup Committee Meeting Agenda Template

Incorporated Playgroup Committee Meeting Minutes Template

Incorporated Playgroup Committee Roles Sample

Incorporated Playgroup Handover Checklist

Nominations for Committee Positions Template

Proxy Appointment Template

Register of Members & Office Bearers Template

Playgroup Constitution Template

In November 2023, Playgroup WA Development Officers Amy and Michelle presented a webinar on Incorporated Community Playgroups. This webinar can be viewed at the link below:

Incorporated Community Playgroup webinar, November 2023

Playgroups with an Active ABN

Information about ABNs and ACNC status