How to use these resources
The Playgroup WA Resource Kit is an online set of resources including advice, strategies and templates to support the establishment and management of different kinds of playgroups. It is presented in modular form so that groups and individuals can easily find the sections most relevant to them.
Each playgroup is different so it is likely that different resources will be more or less useful to different playgroups.
It may be useful to revisit the Playgroup WA Resource Kit from time to time as the needs of a playgroup can change over time. When playgroups review how their playgroup is going and whether there are areas to improve, they may find information that seemed irrelevant at the beginning is now useful.
Playgroups may like to encourage people who are taking over new roles or responsibilities to read the relevant sections and suggest to new families joining your playgroup to go to the Playgroup WA website to explore the Playgroup WA Resource Kit for themselves.
You can use the resources included in this kit as a reference for discussion and decision making. The information provided can be used to work positively through challenges and conflicts.
Playgroups are encouraged to download and print templates and other documents and pass them around to their members, or share links by email or online messages. You may also quote parts of the Playgroup WA Resource Kit in your newsletter, and we ask that you please acknowledge the source.