Welcome to the Playgroup WA Resource Kit

Welcome to the Playgroup WA Resource Kit for playgroups. This is a ‘one stop destination’ for anyone interested in running, hosting, attending or making policy and funding decisions about playgroups.

We hope it will also provide clear and useful information for those who work with families to recognise playgroup as a valuable and accessible place to refer families. These integrated resources aim to support and encourage individual children, families and communities to have access to playgroups that meet their needs and aspirations.

The resources draw on the near 50 years of Playgroup WA experience of working with a wide variety of playgroups, families, communities and agencies involved in playgroups across WA as well as links to independent playgroup research and resources from around Australia.

Our community playgroups (managed by participants) will find updated practical advice and templates to assist operating your group with more material tailored for the diverse range of playgroups such as large multi-session incorporated groups managing venues to small groups that hire space in shared community centres.

There are also dedicated resources for the many playgroups that now meet in schools and the schools that host them.

There is specific information for local governments who are the biggest provider of playgroup venues as well as information for those interested in starting, joining or hosting an intergenerational playgroup to create opportunities for seniors and families with young children to interact.

We have also introduced new material for supported playgroups (run by agencies with staff) and how different types of groups can support the individual needs of families.

We have included both community-based parent run groups and the many types of supported playgroups into this single resource kit. This recognises that individual families for the most part, simply go to playgroup, and do not always attach labels to their groups.

Anyone interested in place-based policy and planning will find all the ingredients to create a healthy playgroup blend in local communities. We want families to experience the benefits of playgroup participation that have been highlighted by an increasing variety of research and expressed by millions of Australian families since playgroup began in the 1960’s.

Whatever your level of involvement in playgroups we are sure you will find these resources useful and be inspired by the many ways we can all assist communities to have the most appropriate mix of playgroups to support their local families.


David Zarb

Playgroup WA CEO